Hallidays Point News of Our World
August 2013
Community News of Hallidays Point and surrounding areas

Welcome to our new Hallidays Point Post Master, Allan Cowan

Allan is very much a local boy. His father originally came from Krambach and his mother was a Gunnedah girl.  They met when his father was appointed Manager at the ES&A Bank in Gunnedah. He was the youngest manager ever appointed by the ES&A Bank.  Allan’s father’s occupation necessitated lots of moves and Allan spent much of his childhood in various towns across the State. He attended six schools over his schooling period.  Around 1976 his father obtained a posting to the ES&A bank in Taree. After a couple of years he left the bank and bough a hotel in Harrington so Allan was able to finish his schooling at Chatham High. Allan was and still is a very keen sportsman.  His pursuits included rugby league, playing for North Sydney, golf, water skiing and sailing. In sailing he won the Australian Championship in the VS Class in the late 70’s.  If you think rugby league is tough these days Allan’s memories of the 80’s was of a much harder time – “a blood bath” were his words. He also mentioned he was lucky he could run as he couldn’t fight!!  When he finished school Allan moved to Sydney where he took up an apprenticeship as a mining draughtsman. In 1985 he returned to Taree to run the family business, a bottle shop in what is now the building housing the Department of Lands in Victoria Street.  Ten years later Allan sold the business Licence to Woolworths and bought a bottle shop at Harrington. He sold this business after a couple of years and purchased Friendz Café at Black Head Beach.  While working in the Cafe he met his future wife Jo. Between them they have six children, Allan with two boys and a girl and Jo with two girls and a boy.  Four of the six have moved away and the two youngest girls are still at home.  They also have a two year old grandson Trae.

Allan sold Friendz Café in 2011 and took a much deserved break which included a trip to Sri Lanka with his brother to set up a graphite mine.   Much rested and in need of a challenge he has now taken over the Hallidays Point Post Office.  Being a local lad he is well known in the area and is looking forward to his new career with Australia Post.  His step daughter Phoebe, who finished her HSC in 2012, will be assisting him for the rest of this year before she heads off to University in 2014.

Allan’s sporting activities in earlier years took their toll and today his participating sporting interests are of a much tamer type.  A member of the Black Head Bowling Club, Allan is a keen bowler who enjoys the competition and the camaraderie of the local bowlers.  Also a keen fisherman, Allan spends time on the beach or out in his South Wind seventeen foot fishing boat.  His favourite fish is jewfish which he mostly catches off the beach, while he fishes for snapper and flathead in the open.

Next time you pop into the Post Office say hi to our friendly Post Master – Allan Cowan.

Story by Anne Visser, Photo by John Stranack

Hallidays Point Garden Club

The Hallidays Point Garden Club met for their June meeting at the home of a relatively new Member, Jenny Greentree, who kindly opened her home and gardens at Bohnock. Not the most pleasant of days, one for winter woollies for sure, but Members didn’t let that dampen their spirits. The rain cleared eventually and Members were able to roam the expansive property in relative comfort.  Visitors were lucky to have the pavilion structure Jenny’s husband Ron had built under which to house the meeting.

Jenny and Ron have been on the property for five years and their garden is a work in progress (like most gardens), quite young with lots of camellias and roses. Obviously an animal friendly home, dogs ran madly around the yard, pampered cats slept in comfort and the chooks looked a happy lot.

We were lucky to have effervescent and infectious speaker Lyz Taylor telling us all about day lilies. Her advice was if you can’t grow day lilies give up gardening!!  They are drought and flood tolerant, grow in full sun or filtered sunlight, come in a myriad of colours from cream to purple with everything in between and apparently are  also edible.  Landcare recommend day lily plantings for bank retention and native bees and tree frogs love them.

Lyz would love to see Members at an “Accent on Iris” exhibition at Burrell Creek on 19 October - a nice day out for iris lovers.

Hallidays Point Landcare Group

The Annual General Meeting of the Hallidays Point Landcare Group (HPLG) will be held on Wednesday August 21st in the meeting room behind the Hallidays Point library commencing at 7.30pm.

All interested people in the local community are welcome to join with HPLG members at this AGM. It will be a good opportunity to find out about Landcare activities and our achievements over the last year as well as our planned projects. Meet our personable and enthusiastic members over a cuppa after the meeting! It will also be a good chance to have input into future directions of the local Landcare group.

All positions will naturally be declared vacant, and HPLG welcomes expressions of interest in standing for the position of President, as the incumbent Alan Pursch will be standing down.

See the “What’s Happening” page of this newsletter to learn more about HPLG, or call Alan on 0413 482 505.

Photo: HPLG stalwart Brian Long at work in the Black Head littoral rainforest.


More volunteers are needed to deliver the News of Our World.

If you are a regular walker in your neighbourhood and

would like to help once a month by delivering some newsletters to local letter boxes,
please phone Claire on 6559 3413.


The Flower is as High as an Elephants Eye”

As you drive around Hallidays Point you might see a lone large scarlet flower stretching up into the sky on a thick stem some 5 metres high. The flowers belong to the Gymea Lily. It is a dramatic plant with broad sword-like leaves a metre long at the base.

The Gymea Lily looks like it hails from some exotic overseas location but in fact it is an Australian native. The Gymea Lily grows in open forest and woodland sandy soils containing some clay. It occurs naturally in the bush only in NSW along the coast from Karuah south to Mount Keira near Wollongong.

There is a lookout behind Nelson Bay where the hillside is covered in hundreds of lilies. So the Gymea Lilies you see around our area will be in gardens planted from nursery cultivated stock.  Keep a lookout for them as you drive by Tallwood’s front entrance.

FISH ‘N TIPS with Denise Greenaway

Well I’m a ‘wuss’ and a ‘fair weather fisher’ so with chilly mornings and cold winds about, beach fishing has not been high on my leisure list.  I mean, if you really thought you might catch something you would put in the effort!! But recent trips have been uninspiring.

The East Coast Low at the end of June, combined with big tides did deliver some changes to the beach.  Some of the sand has moved around creating the odd hole or gutter with enough water to fish in. So with the lovely warm weather of the last few weeks, I was encouraged to venture to the back beach to try them out.

My bait supply was low so I used some frozen green prawns for bait. I peel the prawn and thread it on to my hook starting at the tail end. There was a nice bit of current to move my rig around, a change from just sticking in the sand as has been the case. A few drifts and then whammo! a nice big whiting!!!  Elbow slappers we call them and nice and fat too.  A few more bites and lost baits, but no more fish.  It was encouraging though for future trips.

I have heard there have been some nice bream caught further down the beach closer to Tuncurry and in the lake.  Also some good catches of jewfish and flathead in the estuaries and around the entrances. The days are warmer and longer, so here’s hoping for a return to better fishing locally.

Just another little tip for maintaining your gear….. always remember to remove all the bait remains off your hook when storing your rods away.  Smelly bait scraps are a real magnet to pusscats!  It is also a good idea to spray your rod and reel with a little fresh water and wipe clean after each trip to remove any sand etc. and release your drag taking tension off your line.  A little regular TLC makes your gear last longer and reduces the risk of tangles or gear failure when you have that ‘big one’ on your line.

Happy fishing!!

News of Our World

 Hallidays Point

is published  by Manning Great Lakes RDA

as a service to our community.

 Please send advertising and contributions to  hpnews@westnet.com.au

BEFORE the 15th of the previous month

Editor and Advertising John Finnie -  with help from a lot of other people. Thanks.

Delivered by 10 very healthy people.

Contributions very much appreciated.

Thanks Everyone!!

The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Manning Great Lakes RDA or the editor. The decision to include or exclude contributions is final. (and probably because of lack of space). If you do not receive a copy of the newsletter each month, spare copies are left in the Library, at Cellarbrations at Diamond Beach, LJHooker Real Estate, Andrews Gardner RE, Diamond Beach Vet, and at Foodworks. People affected live on Blackhead Road, Old Soldiers Road , a small sections of Diamond Beach Road and Belgraiv Close and if you don'thave  letter box. If you would like to deliver to these areas, please let us know.

6559 2120

Black Head Surf Life Saving Club

Resurrection of the

Black Head Ball

Keep an eye out for the postman in the coming weeks. The Surf Club is resurrecting the Blackhead Ball and invitations are going out to all members and their guests. Keep the 7th of September free, dust off your party clothes and join us for a night of good food, good music and great company.  This is a not a fundraiser but a night to celebrate being part of the Black Head Surf Club Community.

Cost is $50 per person. Enquiries to Sandra Rowe 0407 159 31

Automated External Defibrilator “AED”

Black Head Surf Life Saving Club is keen to facilitate the installation of an Automated External Defibrilator “AED” or defib for short.

Defibrillation is a common treatment for life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation, and pulseless ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillation consists of delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the affected heart with a device called a defibrillator. This depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the dysrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the body’s natural pacemaker, in the sinoatrial node of the heart.

Defibs are simple to use and operators can be taught to use the AED by properly trained surf club members.

The surf club has a defib which is used by the patrol but following a suggestion from the Quilters to assist in the cost of installation in a location adjacent to the hall, the pool and the beach, it has been decided to seek financial support from the community to install a defib in an alarmed cabinet on the upper deck of the surf club adjacent to the caretaker’s flat.

 The alarm has two purposes:

(i) to alert members of the public and Club members to the fact that an emergency is occurring; and

(ii) to provide added security

I have been writing to community organisations and Greater Taree Council seeking contributions to the cost that amounts to $3,000.  There will be ongoing maintenance and supplies (pads to deliver the shock).

The Hallidays Point Quilters have generously donated $500 and we are awaiting a response from Council.  Other community groups have not responded as yet to the request for assistance.

If there are members of the community who would like to be part of this initiative they can make a tax deductible donation to:

Black Head SLSC, PO Box 55, Hallidays Point NSW 2430

Scott Crawford, Secretary, Black Head SLSC


Great news from our lady bowlers – we played in the Regional Grade 3  Playoffs on Monday & Tuesday 17th and 18th June against the winners of WestPort & Kempsey Heights.

They were very hard games but we did it !– the first time Black Head has won and the only Club in our District to come home a winner.

We now go to Fingal Bay to play for the State Flag on the 12th, 13th & 14th August, it’s going to be very tough but we will be trying.

Our Club held the Flag Unfurling Friday 21st June and as you can see, eight very happy ladies.


Final of Ladies Club Triples

The finalists were the team of Mary Stamp, Dawn Hinitt & Ruth Higham and the team of Tonia O’Harra, Donna Hampson & Pat Bayley who were the winners. It was a very good game played with sportsmanship.

Pat Bayley.


The NSW Rural Fire Service

AIDER Programme

(Assist Infirm Disabled and Elderly Residents)

is a one-off free service, supporting vulnerable residents to live more safely and confidently in their home on bush fire prone land.

AIDER services can be provided to vulnerable people who have limited domestic support available from family, relatives, friends or other services. This could include older people, people with disabling conditions and people who are already receiving community assistance and services.

AIDER work is one-off and includes such things as clearing gutters, thinning vegetation, removing leaf and tree debris, trimming branches from around and overhanging the home, mowing or slashing long grass.
To get more information on the AIDER Programme, call (02) 8741 4955 or email aider@rfs.nsw.gov.au.

Your Bush Fire Survival Plan provides valuable information on preparing your home and yourself, and can help stop you from making rushed and dangerous decisions at the last moment.

The NSW Rural Fire Service encourages you to complete your plan with your family, so everyone knows what they will do if a fire starts.

Keep your Plan in a safe place where everyone can see it. Sometimes, no matter how well prepared you are, things don’t go to plan. That’s why, whether you plan to Leave Early or Stay and Defend, you need a back-up plan. Your Bush Fire Survival Plan will help you with this.

If you would prefer a hard copy edition, contact Mid Coast Fire Control Centre 6591 2900, or call 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737) or come to the Fire Station in Anniversary Drive Diamond Beach on a Thursday morning, 9.30am to midday.

The photo shows David Oates, Ethan Boyle, Ron Smith, Capitan Eddy Merzlikoff and Keegan Rees using the portable pump which is used to draft water into Fire Tankers or directly onto fires.




(Article published in July ‘13 issue)

Thanks to the people who contacted me and were equally concerned about this.

It was suggested  to contact our local council representative Mr Alan Tickle, who thought that it might be possible to include a safe bus-stop with shelter in the  design of the round-a-bout for which our local member Mr Bromhead has obtained funding.

I can report that Greater Taree Council and  Roads and MaritimeServices are  currently in the process of designing this round-a-bout and the issues of a safe bus-stop and shelter have been allowed for in the planning.

Let’s hope they will also be included  in the final design.

Sylvia  Fermin



Picture shows Stu Horsburgh contemplating whether he would fit into this Goggomobil at the National Motor Museum at Birdwood in the Adelaide hills.


The museum houses hundreds of motor cars and motor bikes including the 1921 Dodge (also pictured) which was converted in the 60s to be used by a rural fencer and was finally retired in 1974. It’s hard to get 53 years out of a modern car!

News from Greater Taree City Council

Community Invited to Hallidays Point Forum

Greater Taree City Councillors are pleased to announce a Public Community Forum to be held at Hallidays Point on Wednesday, 4 September 2013.

Councillors will be in Hallidays Point on at the Black Head Surf Lifesaving Club from 6:00pm to 7:30pm to discuss issues important to the Black Head, Diamond Head, Diamond Beach and surrounding communities.

This is a great opportunity to meet and greet your Councillors and also provide some general information to residents and community groups in the area.

Please be sure to get your questions in to the forum by e-mailing Council on gtaree@gtcc.nsw.gov.au, by 5:00pm on Friday 23 August. It is important that your Councillors know your views and questions, so they can endeavour to have the information on-hand at the community forum at the surf club.

To contact Greater Taree City Councillors or the Mayor, please see the www.taree.cc/councillors web page or call on 6592 5399.

Council Committed to Black Head Pool

A lucky low tide arrived around 20 July, when Council workers began to replace the pump at the Black Head pool.

The pump at the Council-owned property failed last month, but due to unusually high seas and inclement weather, workers were unable to approach the work site safely to perform the replacement works.    The pump replacement procedures require that the tide is at its lowest point, and that the sea swells are within acceptable range.

Whilst Council did have a back-up pump ready at the time, the previous low tide event in late June was unfortunately not accompanied by the required weather and swell conditions.

Immediate replacement of the pump when Council was first notified was not possible due to the combination of scheduling constraints for Council crews, and the work conditions due to weather, despite the lower tide levels. The work was completed on the 25th July.

Training for community groups

Greater Taree City Council and The Family Law Pathways Network are partnering to host a one day training event in Asset-Based Community Development.

Asset-Based Community Development is a powerful approach to community development that focuses on a communities abilities and potential rather than problems and deficits by identifying and mobilising resources that are already present within the community.

Community services, community groups, sporting clubs, business groups, community workers, schools and community volunteers can all benefit from this training.

“We want to broaden the communities understanding of the resources we already have and the kinds of community relationships we can build in order to make those resources productive”, said Youth Development Officer, Bree Dennis.

“The football club that needs to increase their income to improve facilities might link with a schools who require access to playing fields; the community group passionate about creating a community garden might identify an aged care facility keen to establish a sensory garden and exchange space for volunteer labour; the mothers group that recognises some of their members experiencing symptoms of post-natal depression can link with support workers already funded to deliver early intervention services” said Bree.

This training workshop will give participants practical tools to assist them in mapping our current strengths and resources and employing these resources to positive community effect.

The training will be delivered by the University of Newcastle-based Family Action Centre, a member of the Asset-Based Community Development Asia Pacific Network. The training is on Tuesday 6 August at the Visitors Information Centre from 9am to 4pm and the cost is $40. There are 30 places available and bookings are essential.

For more information or to book, please contact Bree Dennis on (02) 6592 5338 or email bree.dennis@gtcc.nsw.gov.au

News from Hallidays Point Library

Knit In

The Knit In for 2013 held in July has been a great success. More than 60 rugs have been completed, thanks to the Knit Wits group which meet every Monday morning at the Library. The group knits squares for the charitable organisation Wrap with Love. Thanks also to other members of the community who have donated squares for the rugs. Completed rugs will be distributed to people in need in Australia and overseas.

Knitters are welcome to visit Hallidays Point Library year round on Mondays from 10am – 12pm to enjoy social knitting. See photo of some of the rugs which were on display at the library during July.



Library Holiday Activities

Lots of children enjoyed our range of holiday activities in July. Wayne, Jack and Terry from the Blokes Shed helped some very keen kids construct amazing wooden grasshopper toys and utility boxes. See photos.  The drama workshop and movie Ice Age 4 were well attended. Robin and Sophie did another fantastic job running Kids bingo – this is always popular.

Exhibition in the Library Gallery

During August we will host an exhibition by Peter Schouten. This amazing artwork is well worth checking out!

Calling all Poets!

Do you have a flair for poetry? Why not enter the Manning in Rhyme Poetry Competition.

Details and entry forms available at the library or at www.gtcc.nsw.gov.au/libraries. Competition closes 23 August.


National Family History Month

Taree Library will be hosting workshops on a host of family history topics during August. Learn about online searching, family history research resources, and more! Information about these sessions is available at Hallidays Point Library.

See you soon at the Library – Open Mon – Fri 10am – 5pm, Sat 10am – 12 noon.

A Distinguished Guest Speaker for Hallidays Point Lions Club

At their Dinner Meeting on Thursday 25th July, Lions members and partners were privileged to have past Paralympian Gary Hooper with his wife Jan as Guest Speaker and were spellbound by his inspirational address.

Reserves of courage went hand in hand with ability in Gary Hooper’s sporting career. After showing great promise as a schoolboy athlete Hooper was struck down with poliomyelitis at 11 in 1950.

Paralysed in both legs, he spent two and a half years in hospital, followed by 12 months at Jervis Bay Rehabilitation Centre. After returning to Toronto, where he had grown up, he trained to become a bookbinder, eventually working 25 years at Newcastle Public Library,

Hooper also set about building an  outstanding list of sporting achievements at State, national  and  international level.

He took part in three Paralympic Games - in Rome (1960),Tokyo (1964) and Tel Aviv (1968) - and was selected but  withdrew  through  illness from the 1972 Games in Heidelberg.

These honours were supplemented by his inclusion in the Commonwealth Games in Perth (1962), Kingston (1966) and Edinburgh (1970) .

The FESPIC Games in Japan in 1974 and Sydney in 1975 were his other major international events.

Hooper won 58 medals, including 26 gold, in his international career.

He set records at every level and was named best State, Australian and Commonwealth competitor in 1959, 1962, 1964 and 1966.

His domestic medal tally reached 104 in national events and 103 at state level over a 15 year period in which he contested eight Australian Games. Hooper was awarded an MBE in 1969 for sport and community service. Later he became a keen lawn bowler, travelling  widely with the East Maitland Club.

What was happening in the Lions Park?





If you’re an early visitor to the Lions Park you may recently have observed an ABC Television crew filming and interviewing Lions Rita Gaul. It seems that Rita is a person of interest and will be featured at some time in the future on the ABC’s Compass programme which goes to air on Sunday evenings.

What will it be about?

We’ll just have to wait and see!

Feeling a bit itchy or dry lately? scaly skin? or a rash?

This could be due to dermatitis or eczema. Contact dermatitis is an irritation due to a substance coming in direct contact with the skin. Allergic contact dermatitis maybe due to allergens such as nickel in jewellery (think earrings & rings), perfumes, plants, and rubber. Irritant contact dermatitis is often due to soaps, detergents, chemicals and even dribbling saliva in babies. Think cleaners, hairdressers, mechanics. Atopic dermatitis/ eczema maybe inherited and often occurs in people with a family history of eczema, asthma or hay fever.

Many things can trigger a flare-up  or make an existing flare-up worse. Triggers can also include emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, soaps, sand, chlorinated pools, fabrics made of wool or nylon, and even heat from heaters or a hot shower.

Treatment includes identifying and removing the cause, relieving the itch, dryness and inflammation.

One of the may problems is the skins integrity. Hence any treatment for dermatitis and eczema will include strengthening the skin and restoring its protective function. This is where soap substitutes and non perfumed moisturizers suitable for this condition are always important to use for flare-ups and on an ongoing basis for chronic long term conditions. Added to this maybe creams such as corticosteroids for occasional use when there is a flare -up and always only as advised by your doctor.

Other products to help relieve the rash include antihistamines, tar based products, and in severe cases prescribed medication.

Other hints:

Shower or bathe in lukewarm water.

Avoid strongly perfumed products such as soaps, moisturizers, perfumes, shampoos and conditioners.

Try not to sit too long or too close to heaters. Avoid or turn down electric blankets.

Moisturise straight after a shower/bath.

Avoid overheating - wear loose cotton clothes ( in summer ) in preference to synthetics and make use of fans and air conditioners.

Rinse clothes really well after washing.

Wear gloves to avoid irritants or chemicals or when gardening.

Manage stress as best as possible.

See your doctor for correct diagnosis and a treatment plan, especially if the rash worsens or has signs of infection.

What’s Old What’s New

Did I mention our new SMS Reminder service? An automated system that sends you an SMS reminder when your repeat script is due and another reminder when you need to visit the doctor for a new script. You select which medicines and text back “yes” if you would us to dispense your script and have it ready for collection.

Stay warm. Rose


Photo shows Ingrid hamming it up on the set used in the ABC show “The Cook and the Chef” where Maggie Beer was “the cook”. The kitchen is built on the Maggie Beer farm in Nuriootpa in the Barossa Valley. Ingrid was just so thrilled to stand where her pin up girl, Maggie stood during the show since she is a devotee and is currently cooking her way through her recipe books.

Maggie’s own kitchen was originally used for the show since the show was first planned to run for one year. When it became so popular (and ran on for a further 3 years), Maggie found the disruption to her own kitchen too great and so a replica kitchen was built on her “farm” where she sells her famous food including her generously sloshed verjuice.

If you are interested in obtaining Maggie Beer ingredients and can’t find them locally, you can order them direct from the farm at Maggie Beer’s  Farm Shop, 50 Pheasant Farm Road, Nuriootpa 5355 South Australia. You can get both verjuice and vino cotto and they don’t charge freight.

Heartmoves launches in Hallidays Point

Heart Foundation helping older Australians become more active

Greater Taree City Council is launching the Heart Foundation’s Heartmoves exercise program in Hallidays Point this week in order to help older Australians in the area become more active. The program falls under the umbrella of Councils Federally funded Healthy Communities project – Learn to Love Life!

Heartmoves has been developed specifically for older people who have health risk factors or stable chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and bone or joint disorders.

It focuses on delivering safe, low-to-moderate intensity workouts incorporating gentle aerobic activity, weight-bearing or resistance exercise and stretching – all of which help to build strength and improve balance.

The Heartmoves program was formally launched at Hallidays Point Senior Citizens Centre on Thursday 25th of July at 8:30am. But don’t stress! If you were unable to attend the launch, programs will be run weekly and new participants are encouraged to attend at anytime.

“We are very excited to see Heartmoves launching in Hallidays Point – it’s a fantastic program that offers great health benefits to people who may have previously felt worried about exercising or unable to,” said Tony Thirlwell, Heart Foundation CEO – NSW.

“Taking part in Heartmoves classes can help manage body-weight, blood pressure and cholesterol and can also improve general wellbeing and quality of life,” he added.

More details about the Heartmoves program can be obtained by calling Michelle on 0432 553 714, regular classes will be held at Hallidays Point Senior Citizens Centre on Thursdays at 8:30am.

Hallidays Point Seniors Association

Heartmoves Classes have started at the Seniors Hall. Basically Heartmoves is a low to moderate intensity physical activity program specifically designed to cater for people with lifestyle risk factors or with existing stable chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity or arthritis. The class will be run by the Council and will provide a registered Exercise Professional & Heartmoves Leader for one hour a week, with equipment provided. This class is open to all members of the community at a cost of $5 per person.


Winter is here – but its very cosy on wet days to watch a movie with friends – with much commentary on the film during the tea interval! Shown on the 2nd Wednesday and 4th Friday of the month at the Hall, members really enjoy nice new chairs and a large screen TV.

The Manning in Rhyme

Poetry Competition



Manning Valley Senior Citizens Association have partnered in with Greater Taree City Libraries to present The Manning in Rhyme, a poetry competition open to everyone with fantastic prizes on offer.

The Manning in Rhyme is a project that was conceived by Lucy Bokulic, President, Manning Valley Senior Citizens Association, to honour her late friend and published poet Hans Ruiner, who lived in the Manning Valley.

“It was important that I organised The Manning in Rhyme,” said Lucy. “Hans was so enthusiastic about writing and sharing that with others.  I felt that a poetry competition would provide an opportunity for anyone to write, regardless of their ability, whilst honouring Hans’ memory.”

The Manning in Rhyme poetry competition follows on from successful 2012 National Year of Reading celebrations, where an anthology of writing from primary school students was produced called We Are Now, We Are The Future, which is available for loan from Greater Taree City Libraries.

“We wanted to continue the focus on getting people reading and writing throughout 2013,” said Danielle Old, Greater Taree City Libraries Events Coordinator. “So when Lucy approached us with the idea of running a poetry competition that was open to everyone we immediately came on board.  We’ll be supporting the competition by being a pick-up and drop-off point for entries, and we will host the winners’ presentations in September.”

Entry forms may be collected from Taree, Wingham, Harrington, Hallidays Point and Old Bar Libraries or can be downloaded from www.gtcc.nsw.gov.au/libraries. Deadline for entry is 23 August, and a presentation to winners will be held on Friday 20 September at Taree Library.

For further information about The Manning in Rhyme, please contact Danielle on 6592 5390 or email library.events@gtcc.nsw.gov.au

Probus Club is Growing

The Hallidays Point Combined Probus Club is growing with three new members inducted at out last meeting At that meeting David Gibson, one of our members gave an enlightening talk on the Marine Rescue service of which David is also a member.

We then had a talk by Simon Brislane from Centrelink. Simon talked about financial advice Centerlink provides to anyone regardless of whether they are a Centrelink pensioner or not.

On the social side we recently had a picnic in the park at which a hotly contested boule tournament was held. The lack of any hard and fast rules did not bother the winner, our President John Blacklock, but caused mutterings elsewhere. Regardless of that it was a great picnic.

Later in July we will be sailing the waterways of Port Macquarie on a three rivers cruise.

For more information on Probus please contact


Ray Bell, our secretary on 6559 2581,

or John Blacklock, our President on 6559 3456.

Young Athletes Development Squads beginning in Forster Term 3

The sessions are for teenage athletes of all levels and abilities who want or need a more sports-oriented training focus. Perfect for teen kids handling multiple sports or facing early selection criteria who must get on the right track sooner rather than later.

“Basically our new Young Athletes Development Squad  grooms young athletes to be better able to apply their sport-specific skills”

Both trainers, Fergus Hayes and Gary Southward, having been involved in the careers of many of our young local athletes and know that being a great sports conditioning specialist means  a full understanding of the science, training philosophy, exercise methodology, active coaching processes, error detection and athletic mechanics that is required to build more talented young athletes.

The sessions will be conducted by the coaches at Fitness2428 and conducted at their new sports training facility at 3/54 Kularoo Drive (CF2428) .

Session times are Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs at 4-4.15 pm start until 5pm.

Athletes are advised to do 2 sessions per week. Sessions are $10 with a limit of 15 per session.

For more information see the following link <http://fitness2428.com/young-athlete-development-squad/> or contact Kerryann Hayes at Fitness2428 on  6555 8818.

A Free Trial Pass can be emailed to anyone who maybe interested.

Running For Stroke

Did you know that one in six Australians will be affected by stroke?

On Sunday 8th September Col and Kathy Cameron, daughter Megan, son in law Adam and friends are running in the 10 km race as part of the Forster Running Festival. They are using the run to raise funds for the Stroke Association and The Hunter Medical Research Unit. Also to raise awareness of Stroke issues:

This is how Kathy Cameron tells of her Experience:

“Three years ago at the age of 47 I had a minor stroke. It didn’t seem like a minor event to the Cameron family at the time but in comparison to many others who are hit by stroke I feel I have been lucky.

My day started out as normal at work by 4.00am in the Newsagency. I said to Ken O’Connor who was wrapping papers that I had a bad headache and my eye felt funny. Thinking nothing of it I continued working. Later I went home mid morning as was normal. I prepared tea for the family, the worst looking curry the family has ever seen! I told my farrier who had come to shoe my horse that I had a rotten headache and was going to lie down. I woke up around 5.30pm and somehow phoned Col at the shop but made no sense. He realised something was wrong and headed home.

My stroke didn’t present with all the text book symptoms. I could still walk, I knew what day it was because I read it on the phone, I couldn’t do simple math or answer other typical questions, I didn’t have facial numbness or drop, I could raise my arms but I couldn’t stand on one leg. A ‘CT’ Scan showed no brain bleed. Hospital staff asked if I had been drinking or taking drugs. They said that could explain my confusion!!! I was sent home from hospital that night. Needless to say all was not well and it was decided the next morning to put me in the car and drive to John Hunter Hospital.

The staff at John Hunter realised there was something more serious to my condition. I had by this time become quite afraid and unsure. What was wrong? More testing revealed I had a clot on the front right hand side of my brain. This clot was caused by a blood disorder I was unaware that I have. My mother died from her second stroke at 47 so I have probably inherited it from her. Lucky me!

I now take aspirin daily to thin my blood. This medication may need to be changed over time. I also try to keep fit and follow a good diet. This is where the running comes in. As many people know I am a little busy, so in between work etc I started at Hallidays Point Health & Fitness last year to increase my fitness. Adding running to the mix seemed like a good idea. I love my running time. I usually run in the morning. Not fast or stylish but out there anyway, slowly increasing my distance. Never having run in a race, I decided to enter into the Forster Running Festival just for fun. Col did the 5 km run early this year and was keen as well. I then decided to do the 10 km run as a fundraiser for the Stroke Association & the Hunter Medical Research Unit. They have implemented the new stroke diagnosis tools at Manning Base.

My stroke experience also showed me how much community spirit there is in this area and I would like to return some of that and raise funds and awareness of stroke. Stroke isn’t something that affects older people, overweight people or people with high blood pressure. Sure these conditions do increase your risks but there are so many unknowns. This is why continuing research is needed”.

So come along and join their team. Run with them. Or make a donation at the Hallidays Point Newsagency, on line through the Stroke Association, or in the donation buckets on the day as they run and at the information booth following the run.

Look out for the red shirts, they won’t be first across the line but they are running for a great cause.

Why we need you to ‘Do it 4 Stroke ’

Stroke is Australia’s second biggest killer and is a lead

• 1 in 6 people will suffer a stroke in their lifetime.

• Stroke kills more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer. In 2012 there were over 420,000 people living with the effects of stroke and 30 percent of these people were of working age.

Your commitment will assist our programs both preventing stroke and providing support to those who have suffered from this insidious disease.



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Running for Stroke

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