Hallidays Point News of Our World
Community News of Hallidays Point and surrounding areas

News from the Garden Club

New Members Host Meeting

Recently joined Members, Susan and David Glenn-Hume, kindly opened their home and garden in Vincent Close, Diamond Beach to host our Club’s August meeting and there was a good turn out of Members with lots of new Members attending.

Coming from Canberra Susan & David are finding the gardening vastly different from their previous abode where it was either too hot, too cold or too dry. They chose the Mid North Coast area for the soil and the rainfall and have set about creating a wonderful garden on mainly permaculture principles. The garden is divided into zones, a rainforest area adjoining their neighbour’s property to continue the wildlife corridor, hopefully for birds, not rabbits and wallabies, a fruit tree area, a vegetable garden, citrus in the front yard and on the side, frangipani and exotics. They have planted lots of native including banksias, acacia, lillipilli and casaurinas. A large dam at the side of the property will be planted with native rushes and waterlilies and they have plans for a bog plant wetland. Swales have been arranged to control the flow of water.

It was interesting for Members to be able to see the garden plan David had drawn, see the beginnings of the plantings and envision what will, in a few years, be no doubt a wonderful garden.

Carolyn Begg brought along a cutting of her wattleseed buddleja and Raileigh Douglas talked about ground orchids and other shrubs in her garden. Unfortunately our Chelmsford Machinery man got his dates mixed and was a no-show but I’m sure all who attended will agree it was a great morning.

Thank you so much David and Susan for your generous hospitality.

The Lucky Door prize was won by Rod Baker.

Vale Riemy De Boer




The Hallidays Point Garden Club membership is sad to have lost our beloved Reimy De Boer.

Riemy died on the 29th of August after a long illness through which she suffered with courage, grace and dignity.  Riemy was a Life Member of the club, having been a founding member with her husband, Bob, when the club was first established in March 1996.

Riemy will be greatly missed for her valuable contribution to the life of the club, for her wicked sense of humour but most of all for her friendship.

Vale, Riemy.