Hallidays Point News of Our World
October 2013
Community News of Hallidays Point and surrounding areas

Every Bloke Needs a Shed!

The Hallidays Point Blokes Shed is a fairly informal group which originated as the brainchild of a committee which was formed to identify ways to engage men in activities for their ongoing well being.

The Blokes Shed was set up using a grant with which they built a modest shed and bought basic woodworking equipment. Since that time, the shed has proven to be quite popular and now the group is looking to extend the shed and purchase more equipment. Currently, the shed can only accommodate about five workers comfortably and they would like to increase to a capacity of over 15 blokes.

The blokes usually work on smaller projects. Some of the projects are initiated as hobbies.  Currently they are constructing miniature trains for children to ride on. These will be sold at the upcoming church fete on 26th October.

A lot of the work at the shed involves minor repairs and problem solving. For example, a lady bought a commercial pot plant stand on wheels for her verandah only to find that it collapsed under the weight of the pot plant. Her daughter approached the blokes who came up with a lovely timber design on substantial wheels. They made fifteen for her – obviously she was a satisfied customer. Since that time, the blokes have gone on to make another seventy or so once the word got around how good they were. They still continue to make them. Another lady made a substantial donation after they repaired the bottom of a drawer which fir in her wall unit – saving her the expense of buying a new unit.

The blokes do handy jobs for people as well. They have been known to change light bulbs, change batteries in smoke alarms, fix little plumbing problems such as leaking taps and dripping toilets. They do not aim to put trades out of business but just like to help out on little tasks that are not worth calling a tradesman out to fix. They particularly like to help people who are less capable than they used to be.

The blokes claim to be a bunch of old dudes chewing the fat but it seems to me that that they are pretty busy with projects. They do invite people to bring along a project for them and ask people to make a donation to the shed if they can in return. They like to cover their costs if they can.

This wonderful group are now in need of more shed space – and a bar fridge – full if possible! (or so they say!)

If you are interested in joining, getting a job done or donating to the blokes shed, contact Wayne Bennett on 6559 2500

Story Ingrid Horsburgh


More volunteers are needed to deliver the News of Our World.

If you are a regular walker in your neighbourhood and

would like to help once a month by delivering some newsletters to local letter boxes,
please phone Claire on 6559 3413.



Spring is sprung!! And there is a fair amount of springing happening at the local surf club on Monday mornings as the Annie Rose Academy of Dance practice their steps.  Principal of the Academy, Bev Williamson of Halliday Shores, is asking for a little more effort from the girls in the ‘dance for exercise class’ as we enjoy the warmer weather and get that ‘spring feeling’.  In this class Bev uses great music and rhythm to suit the varied and simple dance steps forming them into small exercise routines, to improve the fitness of muscles, stamina and of course the ‘old brain’.

In later classes, Bev is working with the performance group in preparation for their next Charity Concert on November 17th, 2013.  The concert will again be held at the Tuncurry Bowling Club, commencing at 2pm.

This year the concert is themed around the movie ‘Chicago’, with a variety of other items and performers ensuring a wonderful afternoon of entertainment.  Taree Tappers, Dance Elite and Neville Munro School of Dance will also bring their own special offerings to the show.  The concert will begin at 2pm; tickets will be available at the door at just $10 per person with children under 12 free!  The profits from the concert will go to local charities.


Mark your diary for Sunday November 17th “A Pleasant Sunday Afternoon” for all.

News of Our World

 Hallidays Point

is published  by Manning Great Lakes RDA

as a service to our community.

 Please send advertising and contributions to  hpnews@westnet.com.au

BEFORE the 15th of the previous month

Editor and Advertising Ingrid Horsburgh -  with help from a lot of other people. Thanks.

Delivered by 10 very healthy people.

Contributions very much appreciated.

Thanks Everyone!!

The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Manning Great Lakes RDA or the editor. The decision to include or exclude contributions is final. (and probably because of lack of space). If you do not receive a copy of the newsletter each month, spare copies are left in the Library, at Cellarbrations at Diamond Beach, LJHooker Real Estate, Andrews Gardner RE, Diamond Beach Vet, and at Foodworks. People affected live on Blackhead Road, Old Soldiers Road , a small sections of Diamond Beach Road and Belgraiv Close and if you don'thave  letter box. If you would like to deliver to these areas, please let us know.

6559 2120

Sowing the Seeds of

Community Collaboration

Hi to all the members of the Hallidays Point community.  There was a great turn out at the recent Hallidays Point Community Forum facilitated by Greater Taree City Councillors’ and staff, which proved to council that we are a community “that cares”.  Several topics and issues were raised with council coming from differing groups within the community.  An example of a community strategic plan developed by the Nabiac community in collaboration with Great Lakes Council was passed around and the concept of a similar approach between the Hallidays Point Community and Greater Taree City Council (GTCC) was proposed.  The Nabiac Community plan is based on shared goals between the community and council and is a great example of the community and council working together to achieve results.

The Halldays Point Lions Club are holding a dinner for community groups on Thursday 26th September at which Carole Isaacs, the Community Development Officer from GTCC will be a guest speaker.  Strategic Planning staff have been in contact with Adam Turville (supporter of the Hallidays Point Community Plan concept) and asked for an email listing requests from the community so that “so we should be able to give you a fairly clear scope as to what can be done.”

Adam has advised council that the upcoming Lions Club dinner would be a great platform to identify what is most important to the community at this point in time, being mindful of setting realistic and achievable goals.  Representatives of the community could then arrange to meet with the strategic planners to being a collaborative relationship and being working on a Hallidays Point Community Plan.

Adam Turville

Our Natural World

with Geraldine

Wonderful Wildflower Walk

The tiny purple sarsaparilla is flowering along the road side, it heralds the beginning of the wildflower season. So schedule an hour in your diary to take the Moor Creek wildflower walk. The walk starts behind the Ramada (nee Australis) Resort at Nth Diamond Beach (the library has a Khappinghat pamphlet).

Unlike the showy azaleas and camellias in our gardens wildflowers are shy and retiring choosing to hide amongst the heath scrub. You need to keep your eyes peeled or you will miss them.

In early spring the purple flag iris blooms on reedy stalks. The pink pinnate boronia, heath banksia and the yellow “bacon & egg” pea are dotted along the far end of the track. Next, the red wallum bottlebrush, milkmaids, coral heath, white rice flowers and mauve thyme leaf honey myrtle all flower. Then towards the beginning of summer the swamp is a cloaked in white when the Dagger Bush hakea blooms.

What better way to cap off a special walk than with a well-earned cup of coffee on the Ramada Resort balcony watching the Whistling Kite cruising on the air currents above the National Park.

Enjoy your walk.

Black Head Bowling Club News

Monday 16th August saw a special event held at the Bowlo as a farewell to one of our stalwarts, Bill Carracher (Kareoke).

Bill is reluctantly moving back to Victoria and has bought a property near Hanging Rock. Bowlers from wide and near came as a show of support and friendship for our old mate who in recent years has been fighting an adverse medical condition. We all wish you the best Bill and the door is always open.

As a follow-up to the news about the Women’s 3 Grade State, they were narrowly defeated in the State play-offs. Despite putting in a tremendous effort at



Fingal Bay they made their club proud.

Next issue will see a full account of this year’s champions. These are almost complete.


Black Head WBC

Our AGM was held on Tuesday 10th September with a new Board as follows:

President: Carol Lynch, Secretary: Pat Bayley, Vice Presidents: Margaret Lock & Dawn Hinitt

We would love to have more ladies join us for a game of bowls, I think you would enjoy the day.

For more information please ring Pat Bayley 6559 2453


The Bush Fire Danger period this year has been moved forward to the 1st September.


Fire Permits cost nothing but you are legally bound to have one for any fire in the open during the Bush Fire danger Period.

Urban (Residential areas in Towns, Villages etc.) cannot burn anything at any time.

Those rated R5 Large Lot Residential can get a fire permit but MUST have an Environmental Permit from Council before a fire permit can be issued. This Environment Permit allows for the burning of dry vegetation waste ONLY, being dried dead timber and grasses. The vegetation cannot be in any way still “Green” like recent pruning etc.

For those rated R1 and R2 (Rural holdings generally over 10Ha in size), a fire permit can be issued during he Fire Danger.

Permit lengths will be varied up to a maximum of 21 days and any point in between depending on prevailing weather and current FDI at the time.

Any land holder/managers MUST remain with any fire AT ALL TIMES until the fire is extinguished. Extinguished means that you must be able to put your hand into the ash at any point without being burned.


365/6 days per year all burning must be notified to any neighbour, even across the road or river, a minimum of 24 hours prior to lighting the fire. This notification can be verbal, email, written and posted, placed in the neighbours letter box or attached to the most used entry gate or post to the neighbouring property. There is no excuse for non-notification.

Also the Rural Fire Service Control Centre must be notified 365/6 days per year prior to lighting any fire. We have an after hours answering service for members of the public to leave their details on out of office hours.

The Taree number is 02 6591 2900.

The Fire Danger Rating (FDR) is an assessment of the potential fire behaviour, the difficulty of suppressing a fire, and the potential impact on the community should a bush fire occur on a given day. The FDR is an early indicator of potential danger and should act as a trigger for action.

The FDR is determined by the Fire Danger Index (FDI). The FDI is a combination of the air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and drought. An FDI of 1 (Low – Moderate) means that fire will not burn, or will burn so slowly that it will be easily controlled, whereas an FDI in excess of 100 (Catastrophic) means that the fire will burn so fast and so hot that it will likely be uncontrollable.

You can find out the fire danger rating in your area by:

Checking the RFS or BOM websites at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au or www.bom.gov.au

Ringing the RFS Information Line on 1800 679 737. Monitoring the weather reports on the radio, TV and in newspapers. Contacting your local fire station.


All rate payers notices show the rated zone for the property in question on the following basis. Those rated R1 and R2 (Rural holdings generally over 10Ha in size) were formally referred to as Rural. Those rated R5 (Large Lot Residential) were formally referred to as Rural residential.



Hallidays Point

Lions Club

Pictured are some students of Hallidays Point Public School enjoying their new digital keyboard which was purchased by a donation from the Hallidays Point Lions Club for the school’s music programme. The instrument will enhance the student’s performances within the school and the wider community.

Hallidays Point years 5 and 6 students are into full swing in preparing their Lions International Peace Poster. The theme this year Our World Our Future. Hallidays Lions President Ray Piper said “By students participating they are encouraged to discuss peace issues at home and school”. Together with other schools across the nation and around the world young people are discussing creative ways to handle conflict. Hallidays point are among 375,000 entries this year. Such numbers indicate this contest will make a difference.All entries will be displayed at Hallidays Library and at Lions In the Park On December 14.

Year 6 students from left Angus Hocking, Jack Kelly, Charlotte Hill, Brooklyn Daniels and Elizabeth Hill from Mr Crozier’s class proudly display their partially completed work.



“Lions In the Park”, a Community Christmas Event will be held on December 14 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm.

This year the focus is “The Community Working Together For The Community”.

A huge range of Family Entertainment and Activities are planned. Local Schools and Entertainers will be on show to bring some Christmas cheer. Community groups and stalls will be set up selling local produce and wares. Games will entertain and challenge the kids, while parents can try their luck on the ever popular Christmas chocolate wheel to win Christmas hams or seafood trays. There are plans to have Santa and a Santa letter box, a bar run by the Surf Club, a barbecue dinner, white elephant stall, afternoon tea and much more.

Lions stages this annual Community Christmas Event to bring the community together to celebrate what makes Hallidays Point unique and to raise funds for those in need and community organisations to better serve the needs of the community. Come along and enjoy our community on December 14.


Want to find out more?

Would you like to be involved or donate for the white elephant stall?

Email Hallidays Lions:  hallidayspoint@lionsdistrict201n1.org.au

Or call President Ray on 0438 396 049.

School Fete a Big Success!


Hallidays Point Public School has published a book of recipes contributed by families at the school.

The students illustrated the book.

The recipe below is taken from the book and Vonnie and Wayne at the butcher’s have a special on lamb shanks to help you get cooking the good stuff.

The books are on sale at the Newsagent and all money from the books goes to the school.

The Hallidays Point Public School P&C held their annual fete on Sunday 15 September 2013.

There were a huge variety of stalls which included books, cakes, rides, ghost tunnel, plants, bbq, face painting, show bags, chocolate wheel, Mr Whippy, sponge throwing, a giant slide and many many more.

Thank you to the P&C for their tireless efforts and to the community for their generous support. Over $6,000 was raised on the day.


with Denise Greenaway

Well…. I tried but did not catch a thing!! Same old boring story and makes it sound like there are no fish around our beaches.  That may not be so, as my efforts to catch a fish have been few over this past month.  When I did try though, I got a few bites and then nothing; still lots of sandbars and few gutters on the beach.  One fisho tells me he has caught some good sized tailor and bream off back beach.  If anyone was going to catch one – he would, he is very keen and a crafty fisho and I like him because he helps me out with info about what is biting, where and when.  Obviously he sees me as no threat to his bounty!!

So, what do you do when there is no catch locally? Send ‘the captain’ out to sea with his mates and hope he brings home a few!! And he did!! Some nice flathead and snapper –just plate size and yummy. So how do I cook them? Well here are my tips…

With fresh snapper that have some size to them, I just leave them whole; score each side several times and fill those slits with a little butter and fresh root ginger. Pop some of the same inside the belly.  Squeeze fresh lime or lemon juice all over, salt & pepper to taste, wrap in foil and cook under the grill.  Once cooked, I open the foil and grill for a few minutes just to crisp the skin a little and enhance all the flavours.

Flathead are filleted and skinned, rolled in flour and straight into the pan with a little butter and oil. Cook fairly quickly on a medium to high heat so they crisp up too!!  Nothing fancy here!!  I know there are many different ways to cook a variety of fish and sometimes I break out and go fancy!!  Mostly though I just like to keep it simple and enjoy the natural flavour of the ocean’s bounty.  Happy fishing!!

Black Head Fishing Club

Weekend of 13th September

This month saw  the weekend start off with unfavourable conditions for most types of fishing. A strong southerly was blowing and there was a moderate swell.

Conditions improved on Sunday and most of our members took advantage, fishing the lake, beach, rocks and blue water with a good amount weighed in on Sunday afternoon.

Congratulations to the monthly winners:

Mens Winner Danial Aldridge, Ladies Winner, Cheryl Gray and Junior Winner Nathan Gray. Also, well done to all juniors who weighed in, especially Ruby Hopkins with a nice Tailor and Jasmine Gray with a really good Trag, both fish making the board as an annual record.

The Fishos weigh in every third weekend of the month at the Black Head Bowlo and always welcome new members!

Local angler, Mick Clarke was pretty pleased with his 9.5kg snapper
caught outside in September

Landcare - New Committee Elected

At the recent AGM of the Hallidays Point Landcare Group Inc., a new committee was elected.

After 11 years as President, Alan Pursch stood down but will remain with the group as an active member. Alan was thanked for his outstanding leadership, and was presented with a small gift at the meeting held on August 21st.

The newly elected committee is President Alana Parkins, Vice-President Ian Yager, Secretary Peter Ryall, and Treasurer Norman Shapro.

Photo shows outgoing Landcare President Alan Pursch (centre) flanked by incoming President Alana Parkins (right) and Treasurer Norman Shapro (left).

In his annual report, outgoing President Alan said that Landcare members had successfully implemented a number of other projects and events over the year, including:

Running of the very popular Black Head Bazaar

Ongoing work with Hallidays Point Public School children on the vegetable garden there

Financial contributions to a number of local groups

Two well attended walks to showcase some of Landcare’s work and to raise awareness of the value of some local habitats. One walk followed walking tracks among stunning wildflowers behind Australis (now Ramada), and the other explored the Black Heads rainforest

A school holiday activity in Black Head Flora Reserve and on the beach with 19 children and 13 parents participating.

Applying for and receiving a $22,000 grant from the NSW Government under the Community Building Partnership Program to refurbish the toilet block at Black Head (work to start soon).

For further details on Landcare, call Alana on 6559-2979.

Tidy Dogs



All you dog owners out there might not be aware that Hallidays Point Landcare keep all those dog tidy bag dispensers stocked with bio-degradable bags. There are three dispensers at Black Head, one at Red Head and four at Diamond Beach.

Council does not contribute to this project and whilst the bags are not cheap it is well worth the investment in keeping our parks and beaches dog doo free.

We have had a little trouble recently at Black Head where someone has repeatedly opened the dispenser and taken the entire roll of two hundred bags.

We don’t really mind if all the bags are eventually used, but it means there were no bags left for anyone else. The last time it happened the dispenser was broken and had to be replaced.

We know many people take a few at a time (for surprise drops) but we do ask you limit yourself to five at a time so there are enough left for others and the dispensers don’t have to be checked every day. Many thanks to all those volunteers who keep the dispensers filled and ready for dog owners to use.

Bev Crisp

A Local Character with Local History and Happy Memories

Bev Crisp was born as Beverly Startin at Nabiac Hospital 1941, a descendant of William Startin of Tinonee who worked as a farmer for the Wynter family, a well known name in the Manning Valley.

As a child, Bev lived on a farm at Dyers Crossing until the outbreak of the Second World War when she moved to Dubbo where her father was employed building hangers for the Air force. Later she moved to the Tuncurry when her father was then employed building coastal ships until the end of the war.

Bev’s family moved to Black Head 1945 but Bev lived with her Grandparents at Dyers Crossing to go to Nabiac School for 1 year. However in 1946 she rejoined the family in Black Head when she started at Taree School. Every day she rode her bike from Black Head to the Lakes Way in order to catch the bus to school.

1947 Bev’s father bought a block of land at 11 High Street for £25 ($50) and built a house there in 1950. The house included a Bunk Room so that ten or more boys were able to come and stay every weekend and enjoy their surfing. In those days there was no electricity, no running water and no sewer. All cooking was done on a wood stove but Bev remembers the very happy times with a house always full of people, camping in yard, lots of fun and lots of parties.

On finishing school Bev’s first job was at a fruit shop in Harrington. She also made money by picking peas at various farms in Hallidays Point while waiting to go nursing. One of those farms is now the Tallwoods Village. Pea picking was really hard work.

In 1958 Bev started nursing at RNH Newcastle. She finished at Newcastle in 1962 and then went to work and study at various hospitals in Sydney where she obtained various certificates of qualification in nursing.

Later Bev met Bill Crisp and they married in 1978 when they moved to Maitland where they lived for 11 years. On her marriage to Bill, Bev became stepmother to Graeme, Tim, Mark & Cameron. They moved back to Black Head in 1988 and renovated their home at 17 Albert Street where Bev still lives. From here she worked at Manning Base Hospital until her retirement.

Bev is a tireless worker for the community and renowned for her cooking, particularly for any person in need of assistance. Her great Jams & Pickles are generously distributed and raise money for worthy causes.

Thank you Bev!







Local under 13s team, the Barracudas defeated the Tuncurry Tigers in the Mid North Coast Football Association grand final held in Taree on Saturday 14th September.



Man of the Match was local athlete, Rosie White.


Previous Postmistriss puts new Postmaster to work.

Olga and Allan on opposite sides of the counter.

Hallidays Point Library

Creative cooking

Holiday activities for children have proved very popular again. Budding chefs created some interesting fruit rocket ships, chocolate birds nests and fun sandwiches.  Other activities during the Sept/Oct holidays include Science on the Move, Creative Dance, Kids Bingo and a screening of the Movie TAD The Lost Explorer.

Artist in Residence at the Library Gallery

During September artist Ron Davis demonstrated his painting technique and talked about his exhibition at an Artist in Residence session. Those who attended were thrilled to watch Ron create two beautiful watercolours. Two locals (Margaret Waldock and Topsy Marshall) went home with these paintings as lucky door prizes.

Almost Naked & Nude

Come in and check out the exhibition this month at the Library!

For the children!!

Great fun is had at our Storytime for 2-5yrs every Friday morning, and at Wriggle, Giggle, Read on Wednesday mornings, for the babies (0-2). If you think libraries are a quiet spot, think again on Wednesday and Friday mornings!

Free Internet and Wi-Fi Available

Having family or friends visiting who need access to the internet? You can use our internet computers or access our wireless using your own device, no password needed!   Come and enjoy air-conditioned comfort.  You can even access our Wi-Fi out of library hours near, but outside our building.

Library Survey

We had a great response to the Greater Taree Library Satisfaction Survey conducted in September. More than 200 surveys were completed at Hallidays Point Library+ . Thank you for your enthusiasm. Responses will now be collated and results published soon.

See you soon at the Library – right next door to the

Hallidays Point Post Office.

Mon - Fri 10am – 5pm and Sat. 10am – Noon.


A Huge Thank you to HOLCIM AND JANDRA QUARRIES for there generosity and support.  Their donation of $2000.00 to fund our horse transportation to Sydney was greatly appreciated.  To all the coaches, volunteers and parents who gave their time to help assist and support our riders a truly fantastic result. To all the riders who competed and gave it their all, congratulations on your success.

Tara Copp and Esther  Vincent received participation ribbons

Vicki Harris – 1st place

Chelsea  Murray– 1st place

Ryan McNeil – 2 x 1st and  a 2nd   ( Current  National Champion)

Mikaela Worth – 1 x 1st, 2 x 2nd and Grade 1 Reserve Champion

Amber Hunt   – 1 x 1st, 2 x 2nd and Junior Reserve Champion



Riders who have qualified to compete in the Nationals in Werribee in November are Chelsea Murray, Ryan McNeil, Mikaela Worth, and Vicky Harris.


On behalf of Riding for the Disabled Manning Great Lakes we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our supporters and volunteers in our community who have made our centre what it is today.


Hallidays Point Netball Club celebrated their successful 2013 season in the weekend at Ramada Resort Diamond Beach. We had 72 players registered this year comprising of seven competitive divisions and the Fun net team.

This season five out of seven competitive teams made it to the semi-finals; two teams progressed to the finals and four teams made it into the Grand Final.

The two premiers teams (HP Shane Hibberd & HP Endota)  met again this year in the Grand finale, and while HP Endota were down by 5 in the first quarter, the game was a nail biter, with goal for goal the remainder of the match which then led the game into overtime. It was a thriller to watch and the mix of experience and youth proved a winning formula with HP Shane Hibberd leading by five at the final whistle.

We proudly announce that two Hallidays teams; HP Shane Hibberd and HP Newsagency won their Grand Final.

Hallidays Netball Club also participated in the Taree Netball Carnival at the beginning of August. This carnival had teams registered from Kempsey, Port Macquarie and different areas in the Manning Area.  Of the four teams Hallidays registered, three of those teams were undefeated and won their division; Hallidays Newsagency, A Stones Throw & the Under tens team (Blackbilt/Smiles).

It is an enormous accomplishment for our small community to set such a high standard of Netball. We are producing exceptional netballers, and challenging communities over ten times our size and winning! This effort is attributed to the outstanding level of coaching, parental support and continual facilitation from the following people: Charlie Whitfield, Leah King, Debbie Cougle, Tracy Black, Michelle Ford, Alison Knights, Deb Beattie, Leanne Armour, Kate Morse, Lisa Hodges, Suzanne Lawton, Carla Gillis, Rosemary Hudson, Deb Walton, Lisa Clapham, Manu Walker.  A massive thank you these special people who have taken their time out to come and contribute their many skills and abilities to ensure our Club thrives!!!

A big THANK YOU to all the parents and families who have persistently picked up & dropped off their children to practices and games. The future of the Club looks very promising with such young girls developing their skills so quickly. The girls have learnt a lot this season, and all have progressed in their proficiency. Each year their abilities are being developed further and it is a pleasure to watch.

A special ‘shout out’ to Rosemary Hudson & Lisa Clapman whose administrative and organising abilities are remarkable!!  Their extraordinary ability to quadruple- task (while still cooking dinner) allowed the smooth facilitation of all executive and administrative aspects required to ensure a successful season for the Club. Also to Suzanne Lawton who single-handedly coordinated the umpires, you have done an amazing job and without you there would be no game! Hallidays Point Netball Club acknowledge and truly appreciate all the many hours each member in the executive committee have dedicated to the Club’s management and hope you all rest up for the next season!!!

Many thanks to Ramada Resort for hosting our presentation evening and to Penni Darcy for ensuring the night was a success. The Club would also like to acknowledge our sponsors: much appreciation to Our Major Club Sponsor - The Black Head Bowling Club and our team sponsors; Blackbilt Constructions, Pacific Smiles, A Stones Throw Boutique, Hallidays Point Newsagency, Shane Hibberd Concreting, Australis and Endota. Your financial support has ensured we have netball equipment, first aid equipment, coaching courses, local club carnival entry fees, subsidised track suits, presentation night and lots, lots more.

Remember to keep up with your off-season training netballers & we look forward to seeing you all registering early 2014!!!!


Saturday 7th September saw the much anticipated Black Head Surf Club Ball return to the social calendar.  The gala event, attended by about 70 locals turned out to be a great success. The surf club looked beautiful all decked out in white black and red, candles flickering away providing lovely soft lighting.

With the ladies looking glamorous in evening dressings and the gentlemen stylishly attired, divine food provided by Leau Da Cha and classy music provided by musicians Light Gets In, the event was indeed a winner.

It was great to see so many people talking, laughing and enjoying the company of friends, old and new.  When the band restarted after a break they didn’t take long to get most people dancing, and there were some wonderfully creative dance moves too.

A special mention to Nick Jackson, Aaron King, Georgia Steele, Jordan Connolly, Stuart Crookston, Liam Johnstone, James Mannow, Nicole Jones, Amber Walters and members of the Youth Committee who volunteered their time to serve the food. Dressed stylishly in black and white, they did a great job and were very articulate in what each dish was, they were confident, friendly and professional, so much so that they have been offered casual positions with the catering company. Their parents AND the surf club should be very proud of them.

Thank you to Terry Aldridge for setting up the bar and to Bronwyn Crookston and Sandi Donkin for volunteering to be the bar attendants for the night. The friendly service was appreciated by everyone.

Thank you to Scott Crawford for the great photos, they are a wonderful record of a fun night.

This was my first time organising the Ball and I couldn’t have done it without the help of Avalyn Jackson we bounced many ideas off each other and were very happy with the results. To get such positive feedback about all aspects of the night both at the time and in the days afterwards was much appreciated after a lot of hard work.

Lastly a huge thank you to all who attended, what a lovely lot of people you are, and to answer your repeated question on the night.....YES it will be on again next year!!!

Sandra Rowe, Social Activities Organiser and Function Bookings Officer for Black head Surf Life Saving Club


Black Head Surf Life Saving Club has sought contributions from various groups within the Hallidays Point community and the following is the result.

Funds received:

Greater Taree City Council donations programme   $550

Hallidays Point Quilters  $500

Hallidays Point Seniors  $100

Funds Committed:

Hallidays Point Lions Club  $1,000

Other community groups failed to respond to the request for financial assistance so we hope they are still considering assisting in this worthwhile community project.

The defibrillator will now be purchased and installed on the upper balcony at the Surf Club in an alarmed case and will be available to all in the event of an emergency.

Black Head Surf Life Saving Club will teach members of the community to use the highly automated defib.   The defib is very simple to use and can provide a life saving intervention in the event of heart failure.

Interested residents should email blackheadslsc@bigpond.com so that a session can be arranged when there are sufficient numbers.

Members of the community who wish to make a tax deductable donation to the Surf Club for the defib are invited to do so.

Black Head Surf Life Saving Club PO Box 55 Hallidays Point 2430


Do you want to help your community?

Please consider placing your name on our list of people who can deliver
the News of Our World, Hallidays Point. Volunteer distribution makes
this newsletter affordable to publish and is essential for its future.
You will be needed once a month and can do as little or as much as you want.

We give leave so you can still go away on holidays
(but there is no parental leave - or payment for that matter!!)
or you could just fill in when people are on holidays.

Currently we are in need of a permanent walker for the
Bayview Drive area and need 2-3 casual walkers as well.

Phone John (editor) 6559 2120


News Articles

Annie Rose Dancers

Bev Crisp

Black Head Bowls

Bloke's Shed

Community Collaboration

Community Defibrilator

Fire Brigade News

Fish 'n' Tips

Fishing Club

Garden Club

HP School Fete

HP School Recipe Book

Land Care


Lions Club

Netball Club

Olga Snapped

Our Natural World


Surf Club Ball

Under 13ns Soccer

What's Happening