Hallidays Point News of Our World
September 2013
Community News of Hallidays Point and surrounding areas



Things are buzzing as ‘that time’ of the year comes near!  Our community church will hold its annual fete on Saturday, 26th October this year and would ask everyone to put aside any good quality used clothing, toys, books, CD’s & DVD’s, goods for the white elephant stall and if you are a gardener, maybe you could spare some cuttings in pots for our plant stall.  Although we can’t store goods too far ahead of the fete, we will be able to take and store them from 21st October on.  All the regular stalls, BBQ, Devonshire teas, yummy cakes, jams & preserves will be available again this year. So mark your calendar, save up some $$$ for spending and come join the fun!!


Over the years there have been several movements to form groups to unite the voice of the HP community. These have been successful in achieving some aims and goals of the community. Once again, a move is afoot to do just that.

In response to the council’s Hallidays Point Community Forum to be held at the surf club on Wednesday 4th September at 6-7.30 pm, local resident, Adam Turville (pictured at left)  has suggested that a community group be formed at that meeting to identify and then further the needs and wants of the local community.

Adam said “I would really like to start something like this at Hallidays Point.  The upcoming Community Forum may be a good place to start in getting some interested community members together with the aim to develop our own Hallidays Point Strategic Plan. I am happy to collect ideas for the community forum and put them in to council if community members want to do it that way.  I am happy to get the ball rolling.”

The forum is being run by Greater Taree City Council where councilors will be in Hallidays Point to discuss issues important to residents at Black Head, Red Head, Diamond Beach and surrounding communities. The council is promoting the forum as a great opportunity to meet and greet councillors, who will provide information to residents, businesses, and community groups. “We look forward to discussing issues important to Hallidays Point residents,” said Paul Hogan, Greater Taree City Mayor.

Adam collated ideas that people sent him and submitted these to council before the cutoff date, which was the 23rd August. Please note that these are not Adam’s personal ideas but rather the ideas that have been sent to him.

Submitted comments included suggestions to make shorter and long term community plans.

In this way, the council will have documents on hand which will enable them to budget for the goals of the HP community rather than, as has happened to many of us in the past, respond to requests saying that there is no funding available.

Amongst the ideas suggested are:-

• Augmenting the limited council budget by sourcing grant money through coaching and provision of staff time to local residents.

• Council assistance in lobbying state and federal representatives.

• Assist the community in constructing 3, 6 and 10 year plans (Environmental, Economic, Social etc)

• Environmental/Beautification projects for the community, including plans for the green space allocation from the Sea Scape project. Toilets at the shopping centre (ed.note. This was rejected by council when the shopping centre was constructed)

• Prioritisation of road improvements in the area.

• Cycle ways connecting the 4 villages.

• The rainforest reserves are overgrown and it is too dangerous to cut vegetation out side the safety fence. We would like a new lookout and would like to work with Council to achieve it.

• Similarly in need of repair is the path to Pebbly Beach that suffered a mud slide over a year ago Connect the community with council for community groups such as Landcare, Lions etc to get council to support small local projects.

• Help Landcare restore the council owned Koala Corridor at Red Head.

• Take cars off back beach except the residential fisherman so as to limit the “hoon” use.

• Growth and Development – including GP closing in November

• Our relationship to GTCC and Great Lakes Council Maintenance of verges to allow safe movement of pedestrians and cyclists.

• Footpaths

• Our representation in the use of an environmental levy if it is  dopted.

• Coordinated development of businesses.

• Street beautification

Please consider coming to the meeting and having your say or just supporting the ideas of others



Invitations are being sent out to all local Community Groups to attend the Lions Club Dinner Meeting on Thursday 26th September at 6.30PM at the Black Head SLSC.  The purpose of this gathering is to identify common purposes and needs within our community with an aim to achieving goals faster by working cooperatively together. The Guest Speaker on the evening will be Carole Isaacs who is the Community Development Officer with Greater Taree City Council. We are looking forward to an interesting and productive meeting.

For further details contact Lion John Finnie on

0411 785 033.


The past two or three months has seen many of our Lions Club Members away on holidays, travelling around Australia and Europe. Some are still away, others are just returning while some others are about to depart. This has left our manpower very thin on the ground and the travelling bug seems set to continue over the next six months! However those Lions still in town continue with work and planning for forthcoming projects.


The Monthly Car Boot Sale will be held again on Sunday 1st September at the Hallidays Point Tavern Car Park from 7.00AM. There are always some interesting goods for sale and it’s also an opportunity for anyone to dispose of curios by turning up on the day and paying a $10.00 site fee. It’s also great to have a chat over a Bacon & Egg Breakfast with tea or coffee from the Lions BBQ. Fresh fruit and vegetables are always available at bargain prices.


Tickets will soon be on sale for the Great Grocery Grab Raffle. The prize of $300.00 worth of groceries is sponsored by Foodworks Hallidays Point and will be drawn on the 26th October. Tickets are only $2.00 each and all proceeds will go towards Childhood Cancer Research.


More volunteers are needed to deliver the News of Our World.

If you are a regular walker in your neighbourhood and

would like to help once a month by delivering some newsletters to local letter boxes,
please phone Claire on 6559 3413.


Twenty-one year old Jacki Marshall of  Tallwoods Village has recently returned home, having spent the past 4 years in the USA. Jacki was fortunate enough to receive a golf scholarship to the University of Oklahoma where she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Human Relations and was an active member of the universities Division 1 golf team.

Before her time in America Jacki had an illustrious golfing history throughout Australia. As a junior, Jacki represented her state for 7 years as well as Australia in the winning Trans-Tasman cup team. She also had many individual victories including an Australian Age Championship.

In Recent weeks, Jacki won the Seaside Classic Golf Tournament at Port Macquarie for the fourth time running as well as the Central North Coast District Championship at Taree.

She plans to make a career out of golf and will be working on her game for the next year or so to achieve her highest level yet. She is being supported by the new owner of Tallwoods Golf Resort, Mr Tim Ford who has taken Jacki on board  by appointing her to co-ordinate resort promotions with an emphasis on Junior, Corporate and Social Golf. Anybody that is interested in getting started in golf, please leave a message for Jacki via the Tallwoods Pro Shop.

Jacki is very excited about her prospects at Tallwoods Golf Resort and her golfing future.


Rainbow Flat Rural Fire Brigade will be holding an OPEN DAY at its Fire Station in Bonvale Close, Rainbow Flat, on SATURDAY September 28, from 10am to 2pm. Brigade Captain Rob Derbyshire believes that the Open Day is an ideal opportunity for local residents to find out how to prepare their homes and properties for the coming fire season and how the Brigade can help them.

The day will include demonstrations  of firefighting equipment and techniques. Visitors will be able to talk to experienced firefighters and get up-to-date advice on how to do their pre-summer property cleanups and fill in the all-important Bush Fire Survival Plan.

Kids are welcome and will be able to explore the truck, equipment and firefighting clothing, and see how good they are at “putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff”.

The Open Day will conclude with a free sausage sizzle and the chance to have an informal chat with local Brigade members.

For further information on the Open Day or to find out how to join the Brigade, please contact Robyn King on 65592041 or Rob Derbyshire on 65536036.

News of Our World

 Hallidays Point

is published  by Manning Great Lakes RDA

as a service to our community.

 Please send advertising and contributions to  hpnews@westnet.com.au

BEFORE the 15th of the previous month

Editor and Advertising Ingrid Horsburgh -  with help from a lot of other people. Thanks.

Delivered by 10 very healthy people.

Contributions very much appreciated.

Thanks Everyone!!

The opinions of contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Manning Great Lakes RDA or the editor. The decision to include or exclude contributions is final. (and probably because of lack of space). If you do not receive a copy of the newsletter each month, spare copies are left in the Library, at Cellarbrations at Diamond Beach, LJHooker Real Estate, Andrews Gardner RE, Diamond Beach Vet, and at Foodworks. People affected live on Blackhead Road, Old Soldiers Road , a small sections of Diamond Beach Road and Belgraiv Close and if you don'thave  letter box. If you would like to deliver to these areas, please let us know.

6559 2295


with Denise Greenaway

Well, now that Al’ is penned up at the Post office, we fisho’s might catch a fish!!! ‘Cos he is a good fisherperson! A better fisher than a sailor or a Postmaster for that matter, but we know he will improve with practice – and Phoebe there to help.  As all good fisho’s and seafarers go, Al’ has mastered the art of ‘spinning a good yarn’.  It is a most important part of fishing!! When you are catching them, you want to boast about your catch – BUT you have to learn to do so without giving away too many secrets about how you caught them, or where!! Now I would never accuse a fellow fisho of telling fibs – heavens no – you just don’t’ give all the right information.  Like…….

“Where’d ya catch ‘em?”

“Off the beach/in the lake/in the river/outside/off Old Bar” – nothing too specific, you know.

“What bait did you use?” ……… “Oh, a bit of old mackerel ..…”, when you were lucky enough to have fresh beachworms.  And I say lucky because worms are not easy to catch!! Well, for beginners any way!! I am still a beginner by comparison to many old fishos, but it is great fun trying and very rewarding when you catch a few. It is just amazing how strong they are when they go into reverse gear!! There is quite a technique to it, so it is best to have some lessons and then….LOTS of practice!! If you do catch a few and you’re going to use them pretty well straight away, just put them into a container with fresh, dry sand. You will have to keep changing the sand, keeping it fresh and dry until they are all gone.  If you want to preserve them there are many ways of doing so.  We use a quick method of just washing them in fresh water; salting them down with coarse salt and storing them in zip-lock bags in the freezer.  Surprisingly, they thaw to be soft and rubbery and the fish don’t mind them. However, nothing beats fresh worms for bream and whiting.

That reminds me of a good story – one of those ‘believe it or not’ ones!!  When I first retired and began fishing in earnest, I headed to back beach to have a throw.  I remember it was a lovely sunny summer’s day, the ocean was a beautiful blue, clean and gently rolling on to shore.  I baited up with a pippie that washed up around my feet, threw out and just let my line roll around in the surf while I day dreamed (another essential part of fishing) and searched the horizon for passing whales.  After a while I reeled my line in to check my bait…..here was a worm chewing on my pippie!!! Wow, free bait!! So I threaded the worm on with the pippie, threw out and within a few minutes caught a lovely whiting!!   Yeah, you’re right – beginners luck!!! Haven’t done that again!!  Keeps you going back, just in case though!!!

As you have probably guessed, I have not been catching much lately.  Just 2 beachworms which I fed to the toads on back beach with no sign of any fish. Must admit I haven’t tried too hard. Better days ahead once the westerly winds are finished. If you’re having a go with better luck than me – then Happy Fishing!!


The Bowling club held its AGM on Sunday 11th August. President Ron Smith did not stand for re-election and John Gordon (pictured at left) was elected President. The new Bowls secretary is Shane Anderson.

At the time of writing our ladies “3 Grade” (pictured below - L-R Ruth Higham, Chris Peters, Helen Bush, Gail Gleeson, Pat Bayley, Maureen Meath, Donna Hampson, Mary Stamp)  is competing in the state play-offs at Fingal Bay. This is a fantastic effort for a small club like Black Head and the ladies are to be congratulated on their achievement.

Community day is looming up again. The date will be Sunday 29th September. All sporting, business and community organisations are invited to enter a team. It is a fun day aimed at supporting your preferred charity.

Contact the club on 65592923 and we will send out an information package.


Well another AGM has come and gone, winter has been mild, spring is in the air and it won’t be long before we will be welcoming Christmas.

We were fortunate to have George Hoad from Garden Clubs of Australia officiate the election of our Committee Members for the coming year. All Members of the outgoing Committee stood for re-election and all were elected unopposed.  It was agreed upon to continue Membership Fees at $15 per year. The General Meeting was held following the AGM and Members enjoyed the usual delicious soup lunch (not soap as offered in the July Newlettter!). Thanks to all the Members who contributed to the  delicious morning tea and lunch. Carole Russel won the Lucky Door Prize.

On Monday 12 August Members were able to see the rewards reaped from the Club’s Open Gardens Weekend in May.  Our donation to RDA  enabled them to put down a  new riding arena floor,  a base of crusher dust with a rutile sand topping,  perfect for their needs.  The material from the original floor was used to level some of the area outside the arena.  A  sprinkler system is to be  installed and the  purchase  of a machine with which to maintain the floor will complete the project and all within their budget, covered by our  donation.

Top: Katrina and Theresa who gave the dressage demonstration.

Centre: Impaired vision rider, Kevin with coach Jeff Patterson.

Bottom:  “Shining Stars” team who performed a musical ride.

Left to right: Amber-Jade Hargreaves (Rider), Maureen Turner (Coach), Carolyn Begg (Garden Club and dressage teacher) and riders Vicki Harris, Esther Vincent and Tara Cropp

What a wonderful group of volunteers!  Sue and Geoff gave a brief background of RDA’s beginnings and workings. They receive no government assistance - most monies are raised within the local community and  they  have a host of dedicated volunteers doing amazing work.

Members were treated to a riding display from a quartet of young riders calling themselves “The Shining Stars” - a study in riding ability, concentration and dedication which truly touched the hearts of their audience.  Our President, Carolyn, then introduced us to  a dressage demonstration. Two of her pupils rode & performed with style and grace - a real treat seeing this craft performed up so close.

A delicious morning tea was provided and I’m sure Members left with a sense of pride knowing that their Garden Club contribution has in a small way contributed  to the  working  of this  fantastic  organisation. The pride and enjoyment that both the students and the volunteers have and receive in their work is evident and a joy to behold - truly inspiring.


with Geraldine


Eastern Whip BirdIf you follow the walking track on the Blackhead headland through the littoral forest you will be surprised at what you might see!

You step off the headland bathed in bright sun onto the track into a dimly lit secret world. The first signs that you may not be alone in the bush are the tell-tale scratching along the path, then rustling and as you round the corner there is the Bush Turkey foraging.

Noisy PittaThen as you wander up the hill to the first lookout you might see old man Goanna sunning himself at the edge of the path. All the while in the high reaches of the canopy a group of Lewin’s Honeyeaters will be regaling you. Their call is described as a “long, tremulous machinegun rattle” but it is much more subtle than that. If you catch a glimpse of them you will see a dark greenish bird with a pale yellow half-moon ear patch.

Continue along the path, from what seems like only metres away comes a long slow drawn out whip crack followed by a sharp “choo choo”. It is Mr and Mrs Eastern Whipbird keeping tabs on each other as they forage for food. They sound so close that you think you should be able to see them, as you are busy peering at the spot a new whip crack comes from behind you. Very elusive, but I have seen them on odd occasions picking among the debris on the forest floor.

As you head down the hill towards the bridge behind the Bowling Club the Green Catbird will be yowling like a cat in the trees. Not shy but difficult to see in the foliage. And finally if you are really lucky you might see a Noisy Pitta. He will be pecking about on the ground. He has a mustard yellow breast, blue green wings with a fleck of red under the tail feathers and a wonderful chestnut crown . If I see him I feel very privileged.

So much to enjoy in such a short walk.

Correction to August column – I had a call from Margot Biggs to tell me that the Gymea Lily is not at the Tallwoods entrance those plants are Spear Lily, with a long spear of red flowers that droop down. The Gymea Lily is along the Australis (Ramada) driveway (nice to know that someone reads the column!). ed.note. lots of people love your column Geraldine!



Congratulations and well wishes were the order of the day recently, when the Over 55’s Luncheon group at the Hallidays Point Community church celebrated their 18th birthday. The day was enjoyed by regular guests and visitors from Kularoo Gardens at Forster.  A special treat was the guest speaker, Paul, a local dog breeder who brought along some cuddly puppies who loved all the attention they received.  Birthday cakes, balloons and the sharing of delicious food marked this special milestone.

Back in 1995, the then minister Reverend Bob Willoughby and his wife, Val realised there was a group of people locally who were isolated and ‘shut in’, for various reasons with little or no outside contact, family or friends.  They decided to provide a fortnightly luncheon, fun activities and friendship at the local church.  The then local doctor, Dr Lenehan, recommended the luncheon to many people who were alone and seeking social activity.  After the luncheon was up and

Left: Ray Long and Gwen Morley enjoy the party!

Above::  Willing workers – Mary, Marion, Sonia, Verna, Jacquie, Carol, Mavis & Wendy.

 running successfully the Willoughby’s stepped back and let the willing volunteers carry on.  Among the original volunteers were, Wendy Coleman, Mavis Brown, Carol Wing and Marion Blackley. These girls are still running the luncheons today, with help from many other volunteers from both the community and church family.  Some come and work with the team on the day and others cook sweets and afternoon tea goodies.

The luncheons are held at the Community church on alternate Wednesdays at 12 noon. The cost is $8 and includes a 2 course meal; afternoon tea with activities such as Bingo, guest speakers and lots of laughs!!  Most of the guests are from the local area, but once a month Kularoo Gardens of Forster bring a bus load of residents to visit and they enjoy the outing very much.

All are welcome and there is room for more to join in the fun.

For more information re dates and time, please call Marion on 6559 2738; Mobile: 0411 728 921
or Wendy on 6559 2846.

Hallidays Point Public School has published a book of recipes contributed by families at the school.

The students illustrated the book.

The recipe below is taken from the book and Vonnie and Wayne at the butcher’s have a special on lamb shanks to help you get cooking the good stuff.

The books are on sale at the Newsagent and all money from the books goes to the school.


• 6 Lamb Shanks

• ¼ cup seasoned plain flour

• 2 tablespoons olive oil

• 1 chopped red onion

• 2 garlic cloves

• 1 ½ cups chicken stock

• 1 cup red wine

•½ cup cranberry sauce

• 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

• 3 sprigs rosemary


Preheat oven to 160 C

Dust shanks lightly with flour

Heat oil in frypan and brown shanks. Set aside.

Sauté onions in same pan for 2-3 mins. Add capsicum and garlic.

Transfer mixture to a casserole dish with shanks, stock, red wine, cranberry sauce, mustard and rosemary. Cook for 2 ½ hours.

Serve with wilted baby spinach and mashed potato.



Our guest speaker was Marilyn Simpson who spoke as a representative of Guide Dogs NSW/ ACT.  She was happy and proud to tell us that, according to a recent Reader’s Digest survey, Guide Dogs were recently recognized as the most trustworthy charity in Australia. Marilyn was accompanied by her husband, David and her Guide Dog, Wade (pictured right - below) , a very docile Golden Labrador, who didn’t move off his cushion beside Marilyn’s chair during the whole talk.

Marilyn was born with high myopia, a genetic condition. She spoke of her journey from a teenager wearing very thick glasses to wearing contact lenses as a bride, to using a cane for five years and to living with Guide Dogs for the last fifteen years.

Marilyn has had Wade for about nine months. He is a companion, a friend and helps Marilyn with steps, helps her cross the road and avoid obstacles on the footpath such as broken glass. Before Marilyn brought Wade home, she lived with him for a month in a motel room at Richmond getting to know and further train him. Four other people who had just received Guide Dogs also stayed at the motel for the same training so there was much doggy talk at the end of each day as everyone learned about their dogs and dog behaviour.

It costs $30,000 to breed, raise and train each Guide Dog.

As well as breeding, raising and training Guide Dogs, the organization  provides canes – recognition canes, candy canes (for children),  mobility canes, has an Access Committee, provides help after neurological vision impairment after a stroke and provides technology gadgets.  The Access Committee helps facilitate access to places for blind people. The technology gadgets include a vibrator gadget that tells you your distance from an object, a GPS gadget to tell you your location if you are lost, a colour guide for people who can’t recognize colour and a barcode scanner to identify products at supermarket. All these gadgets give a verbal message. Guide Dogs staff come down from Coffs Harbour to help clients with these products.

Guide Dogs provides all their services free of charge.

The funds for all these services come from donations from the public, bequests, the Guide Dog online shop , Guidelines magazine and product catalogue and bus trips to Glossodia to see the Guide Dog Training School.

Marilyn concluded with “Guide Dogs have changed my life and given me back my independence”.

It was a truly inspirational, informative and entertaining talk. Marilyn has not learned Braille and had no prompting notes. Her talk came from her heart.

For more information about Guide Dogs go to guidedogs.com.au.

Other meeting highlights.

New members, David and Bernice Cook were inducted to the Club. Originally from England, they moved to Australia in the early 1970s, settled in Baulkham Hills, later moved to Pacific Palms where they established and operated  Karingal, a B&B, for eleven years and then retired to Tallwoods.

Later, Alan Bates spoke on his survival as a security guard, starting with how he learned to use a pistol under the Harbour Bridge and covering various tasks such as being on guard outside a factory, bank, hospital construction site, car showroom and Parliament House watching  over boxes of votes. His funniest job was in Martin Place guarding four holes that had been prepared for the installation of a Christmas tree. .

Doreen McMullen read a short piece about biscuits given to her by The Knitters’ Group.

Margaret Flint.



Amber- Rose Morris - Junior Girl Champion, James Davison – Junior Boy Champion  Christina Davis – 11 Year Girl Champion, Kade Hooper – 11 Year Boy Champion

Molly Aiken – Senior Girl Champion,  Brendan Davison – Senior Boy Champion

Regional Representatives

Jillian Black and Ned Gardner (left)  are off to Newcastle to represent the Zone area at the Regional Carnival in touch football. Congratulations to Jillian and Ned and we wish them all the very best at the carnival.

Tennis Achievement

The results for the Lower North East Junior Development Series Tennis (Bulahdelah to Coffs Harbour) have just been announced. I am so happy to see that the hard training/work that one of our local Blackhead tennis clubs juniors has done over the past 3 to 4 years is starting to show through. Dominic Forbes’ (right)  points have rated him as the number two player in under 10’s, in the Manning Great Lakes area. The first stage of a great tennis player has started. The number one player was Nikolai Nash from Twin Towns. Nikolai is the

coach’s son at that centre.

This was Dominic’s first year in the JDS and next year he gets another crack at becoming the local and maybe the North East regions number one under 10s player.


On Tuesday 16 July our girls softball team played their second match in the state softball knockout competition.

They played against Grahamstown who proved to be good rivals.

Once again the girls performed strongly in their batting, unfortunately their running between bases let them down and this led to very close scores in the first three innings. In the the fourth innings the girls improved in all areas to finish with an 18 to 10 win.

It was wonderful to have the support of fellow students cheering on the girls. There was plenty of excitement with some excellent hitting from Molly, Jillian, Katie and Nakita. There was a brilliant outfield catch by Bianca who stared at her glove in disbelief. The team fielded strongly.

The school hosted a barbeque for the players, which ended the day well. Our girls should be proud of their improvement and achievement. Their next match will be on Wednesday 21 August. Keep on practising girls!


Jig saw puzzles are not for everyone but many people are devoted to the “art”. It is generally agreed that the first jigsaw puzzle was produced around 1760 by John Spilsbury, a London engraver and mapmaker. The origins of jigsaw puzzles go back to the 1760s when European mapmakers pasted maps onto wood and cut them into small pieces. The “dissected map” has been a successful educational toy ever since. I only took them up recently when I injured my dominant right hand and could only do left handed things. Six months later with both hands operational I love a puzzle on my dining table. No one else does.

My friend Charlie has taken up DYI gluing and mounting of completed puzzles. Sounds an unlikely “art” but I am amazed at how beautiful some puzzles are. So, I have been inspired to put together an exhibition of Puzzles and I know there are puzzlers all over Hallidays Point. I like to do a puzzle once and I’m happy to glue and move on to the next one. Once glued they can’t be unglued. I am exhibiting a thousand piece Beatles Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover that has an interesting history.

I am looking for exhibits, particularly for unusual jig saw and 3D jigsaw puzzles for all ages, also puzzles other than jigsaws, like models. If you are interested in participating,the exhibition will be up for one month in October. Charlie is running a workshop at the Mens Shed  and the men have agreed to glue puzzles for the exhibition.

A Puzzle Prize will be presented to the most popular puzzle, as voted by visitors to the Library Gallery.


Please call Alana on 65592979 or Di at the Library



RDA would like to say a big thank you to Mat Neil at
Holcim Concrete, Jandra for sponsoring the transport of horses
to RDA State Dressage Championships at
Sydney International Equestrian Centre on

24th and 25th August.

Details to follow.

Diamond Beach / Red Head Rural Fire Brigade

The Bush Fire Danger period this year has been moved forward to the 1st September.


Fire Permits cost nothing but you are legally bound to have one for any fire in the open during the Bush Fire danger Period.Urban (Residential areas in Towns, Villages etc.) cannot burn anything at any time.Those rated R5 Large Lot Residential can get a fire permit but MUST have an Environmental Permit from Council before a fire permit can be issued. This Environment Permit allows for the burning of dry vegetation waste ONLY, being dried dead timber and grasses. The vegetation cannot be in any way still “Green” like recent pruning etc.For those rated R1 and R2 (Rural holdings generally over 10Ha in size), a fire permit can be issued during he Fire Danger.Permit lengths will be varied up to a maximum of 21 days and any point in between depending on prevailing weather and current FDI at the time.Any land holder/managers MUST remain with any fire AT ALL TIMES until the fire is extinguished. Extinguished means that you must be able to put your hand into the ash at any point without being burned.


365/6 days per year all burning must be notified to any neighbour, even across the road or river, a minimum of 24 hours prior to lighting the fire. This notification can be verbal, email, written and posted, placed in the neighbours letter box or attached to the most used entry gate or post to the neighbouring property. There is no excuse for non-notification.Also the Rural Fire Service Control Centre must be notified 365/6 days per year prior to lighting any fire. We have an after hours answering service for members of the public to leave their details on out of office hours.

The Taree number is 02 6591 2900.

The Fire Danger Rating (FDR) is an assessment of the potential fire behaviour, the difficulty of suppressing a fire, and the potential impact on the community should a bush fire occur on a given day. The FDR is an early indicator of potential danger and should act as a trigger for action.

The FDR is determined by the Fire Danger Index (FDI). The FDI is a combination of the air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and drought. An FDI of 1 (Low – Moderate) means that fire will not burn, or will burn so slowly that it will be easily controlled, whereas an FDI in excess of 100 (Catastrophic) means that the fire will burn so fast and so hot that it will likely be uncontrollable.

You can find out the fire danger rating in your area by:

• Checking the RFS or BOM websites at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au or www.bom.gov.au.

• Ringing the RFS Information Line on 1800 679 737.

• Monitoring the weather reports on the radio, TV and in newspapers.

• Contacting your local fire station.


There are a few scenic lookouts around Hallidays Point. The most spectacular at Seascape. The others are small affairs along the rainforest walks at Diamond Beach, Red Head and Black Head. Over the next few newsletters we will visit them all, starting with Black Head.

There are two lookouts on the headland. One overlooks a giant fissure where the sea has weathered tilted rock. The tilt is about 65 degrees.

The second overlooks the finger rocks and north to Harrington and Crowdy Head. The vegetation, although stunted by salt wind has grown and it is hard to see anything but sky.

Landcare keep the trees trimmed but it is dangerous outside the fence as the cliff can give way without warning. Recently someone took it upon themselves to cut a view through the vegetation. Whilst it is easy to understand why it is not permitted. Landcare are pursuing an elevated lookout for the headland with Council but please no more trimming. In the meantime enjoy the views from the other lookouts.

This is what you will see with a new lookout on Black Head Headland.



You may remember that last year we jumped up and down about our library hours because there was a proposal to cut them back.

Please don’t miss out on this survey if you have any interest in the library.

Library Survey

Greater Taree City Libraries are asking customers to complete a brief survey to help shape future library services. The short 12-question survey is asking customers to rate their experience of library services and seeks to find out how best to meet community demand. The survey is available online at www.taree.cc/survey, Alternatively you can complete a paper copy at your local library.

The survey will be open until Saturday 21st September.


School Holiday Program

We have another exciting line up of activities for children for the Sept/Oct school holidays. The program will be available from early September from Greater Taree City Libraries.  Bookings are required for all activities, so pop into the library or visit www.gtcc.nsw.gov.au Get in early, as sessions tend to book out quickly.

Exhibitions in the Library Gallery

During September come and see the “Buildings, Boats & Bridges” Exhibition by Ron Davis.  Ron will be demonstrating his painting technique and talking about his exhibition at an Artist in Residence session on Tuesday 17th September from 10am – 12 noon.  You are invited to come and enjoy an informative morning.  Booking are essential.

For the children!!

Great fun is had at our Storytime for 2-5yrs every Friday morning, and at Wriggle, Giggle, Read on Wednesday mornings, for the babies (0-2). If you think libraries are a quiet spot, think again on Wednesday and Friday mornings!

Free Wi-Fi Available

Having family or friends visiting in the school holidays who need access to the internet? Did you know that the Library is a wireless hotspot?  3 hours free access per day, using your own device, no password needed!   Come and enjoy air-conditioned comfort.  You can even access our Wi-Fi out of library hours near, but outside our building.

See you soon at the Library – right next door to the HallidayS Point Post Office

Mon - Fri 10am – 5pm and Sat. 10am – Noon.

Editor’s  Pick

The GTCCouncil sends NoOW media releases. This is my pick for the most interesting this month.

Federal Funding Key to Council

The Australian Local Government Association has published a 10-Point Plan for resourcing community priorities like those identified in the Manning Valley Community Plan.

Residents of the Manning Valley have become increasingly aware over the last five years of the critical need for investment to ensure our community enjoys an appropriate level of services and infrastructure.

“We support and agree with the Association’s number one priority, which is formal recognition of local government in the constitution,” said Gerard José, General Manager Greater Taree City Council.  “This long-overdue update of the constitution is vital to continuing direct Commonwealth payments to local government across Australia.

According to the ALGA report, the Federal Government provides funding that is sustainable to meet local community priorities, including funding through Financial Assistance Grants.   A permanent Roads to Recovery program is also cited as a means for Councils and the community to have better and safer roads.

“The cost-shifting nightmare we are shouldering at the hands of state government, combined with rate-pegging and funding shortfalls, has got to stop,” said Mr Jose.  “Direct federal funding helps to end cost shifting, provides support for community infrastructure, and even helps us adapt in a coordinated way to climate change.

“Federal funding is a win-win situation for Council and for the nation,” he continued. “It allows Council to benefit from coordinated approaches to national biodiversity, natural disasters, and issues like how Council provides services to Indigenous communities.”

Engaging local government with business online is outlined in the Plan, which recommends providing $50 million for making websites fully accessible, in-line with web 2.0 guidelines.   Residents and businesses will benefit from the greater connectivity with local government, especially in light of the current National Broadband Network roll-out across our region.

“By supporting the key recommendations of the Plan, Council can play a direct role in helping to ensure Manning Valley residents and businesses are appropriately resourced,” concluded the General Manager.

Interested businesses and residents can go to taree.cc/tenpoint for the full 10-point Plan from the Australian Local Government Association.


Do you want to help your community?

Please consider placing your name on our list of people who can deliver
the News of Our World, Hallidays Point. Volunteer distribution makes
this newsletter affordable to publish and is essential for its future.
You will be needed once a month and can do as little or as much as you want.

We give leave so you can still go away on holidays
(but there is no parental leave - or payment for that matter!!)
or you could just fill in when people are on holidays.

Currently we are in need of a permanent walker for the
Bayview Drive area and need 2-3 casual walkers as well.

Phone Ingrid (editor) 65592295


During the last week of Term 2 Fletcher Pearce travelled to Narellan in Sydney’s South West to play in the NSW PSSA State Hockey Championships representing the Hunter.

The opening game on day one of the competition saw Hunter take on North West with the final score being 7-1. In the second game Hunter took on Sydney West with Hunter again coming out on top with a convincing win of 6-0. The third game saw Hunter take on Sydney East. This was the toughest game of the day however Hunter managed to stay in front throughout the game and finish with a 3-2 score line.

The second day saw rain delay games and Hunter only played one game against Riverina under shortened duration. Hunter again coming out on top.

Day three saw Hunter take on Western in the Semi Final. This was a tough game with the momentum swinging both ways throughout. At the end Hunter managed to come out on top with a 4-2 result.

The final was played against the Sydney East team after they won their Semi-final against Sydney North. The final was again a tough battle with the score being tied up at 1-1 for most of the second half. With approx. 7 min to go in the game Fletcher took the ball forward into the attacking circle. With a run along the baseline Fletcher squeezed the ball past the Sydney East goalie to take the score to 2-1. With a penalty corner awarded with only seconds on the clock the Hunter team managed to slot another goal after the whistle to take the score to 3-1.

This is the second title for the Hunter team with them managing back to back victories in the NSW PSSA State Championships as well as managing to go through both years undefeated.

At the completion of the tournament Fletcher Pearce was selected into the NSW PSSA Team to play the National Championships in Canberra in August.

On the 11th -14th July Fletcher Pearce took part in the NSW Under 13’s State Hockey Championships held at Taree.

Fletcher was representing the Manning Valley in Division 1, with Sydney 1, Newcastle 1, Lithgow & Goulburn making up there pool.

While the teams were tough Manning was able to finish 3rd in their pool after solid wins against Lithgow & Goulburn. At the completion of all pool games the Manning Valley team took on the Central Coast for 5th & 6th placing. The game ended in a draw resulting in Manning Valley finishing equal 5th.

During the carnival Fletcher managed to score 3 goals for the tournament. Playing solid hockey he held his own against the stronger Sydney & Newcastle teams.

At completion Fletcher was selected in the training squad for NSW State Under 13’s selection. This trial is to be held in the Central Coast on July 28th.




News Articles

Black Head Bowls

Community Church

Community Groups

Fire Brigade Open Day

Fire Brigade News

Fish 'n' Tips

Fletcher Pearce-Hockey

Garden Club

Greater Taree Council

HP School Athletes

HP School Recipe Book

Jacki Marshall Returns

Jigsaw Art

Land Care


Lions Club

Our Natural World

O'55's Lunch Group


What's Happening